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Once upon a time, in the heart of the Ranthambore Forest in India, there lived a majestic lion named Babbar Sher. In his prime, Babbar Sher was a fierce and agile hunter, leading his pride with pride and strength. He would chase down his prey with lightning speed, his golden mane flowing in the wind as he demonstrated his dominance over the vast lands he ruled.
As the years passed, the once-mighty Babbar Sher began to feel the weight of time upon his shoulders. His once-roaring voice grew softer, and his once-powerful legs began to lose their speed. He found it harder to keep up with the younger members of the pride during hunts, and gradually, he started to feel a sense of solitude creeping into his life.
Babbar Sher's transformation into a patient and strategic hunter allowed him to thrive even in the face of challenges. The acceptance of his situation and the willingness to adapt to it became the foundation for his success. He became an embodiment of Saturn's teachings - learning from experience, shedding ego, and embracing patience and reinventing your self.
Donate to Undervalued Workers: Saturn is associated with people who do essential but often underappreciated jobs, such as toilet cleaners, delivery personnel, postmen, house helps, and sweepers. By donating to and supporting these workers, we show gratitude and respect for their hard work and dedication. Treating them with kindness and politeness can also be a way to honor Saturn's energies.
Contribute to Old Age Homes: As Saturn represents old age and solitude, contributing to old age homes can be a way to reduce the malefic effects of Saturn. Supporting these facilities helps provide care and comfort to the elderly, who may be going through challenging times.
Now enough of my gyan for the day. There was a unexplainable urge to write this since morning so had topost it for you.
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Saturn explained soo well🙏